European Challenge Cup: Round 4 Predictions

The usual good, the bad and ugly to feature in this round of the competition

If you follow this blog, I have quite a bit of contempt for this competition. No excitement, no television coverage of the tournament and put in the mix sides who are ill-equipped to compete at this level and you have a rugby tournament PR disaster on your hands. The organizers of this tournament should hang their heads in shame. 

This round will see the interested sides stride forward and secure their last eight spot with two rounds to go. For others, it will palpable relief that they are out of contention to focus on domestic affairs and for others, the trauma of the beat down (Dragons, Enisei-STM and Timisoara) that they will receive could take months to recover from. Hawkeye Sidekick predicts the winners, the losers and the massive losers. 

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